Preparing for your exam

The decision to write an Ontario water or wastewater operator exam is an important one, whether your career is just beginning and you would like to write an Operator-in-Training exam, or you have some operational experience and would like to write an area-specific level 1-4 exam. As all exams require a mark of 70% to pass it is advisable that some form of preparation is strongly considered before you decide to register for an exam.

OIT Exams

The Operator-in-Training exam is designed for individuals who would like to begin a career working in the Municipal water or wastewater industry. The OIT exam is a unique exam in that any examinee may receive up to four certificates upon successful completion of the exam. A modular exam, the exam can be requested as a one module exam targeting a specific area or it may be requested to cover all of the following four areas: water treatment, water distribution/distribution and supply, wastewater treatment, and wastewater collection.

There are two recommended guides to help examinees prepare for the OIT exam: The Operator-in-Training (OIT) Examination Study Guide and the Mathematics for Water and Wastewater Operators. The OIT Examination Study Guide has been prepared by the Ontario Municipal Water Association and the Ministry of the Environment specifically for the OIT exam and covers all subject areas found on the exam. The Mathematics for Water and Wastewater Operators Study Guide is designed to help examinees answer possible mathematics problems they may encounter on the exam.

Level 1- 4 Exams

As of July 1st, 2019, the Water Treatment, Water Distribution and Supply, Wastewater Treatment and Wastewater Collection Level 1-4 Exams are now Association of Boards of Certification (ABC) Standardized Exams, the Water Distribution exams the only exception. These new exams are 110 questions in length; 10 questions are pilot questions for future exams and will not count towards your mark.

To help prepare for these new exams it is advisable to download the ABC Need-to-Know criteria for your exam from this bookstore. The Need-To-Know criteria provide the following valuable pieces of exam information: exam question type (recall, application, and analysis), the exam content areas, and the knowledge level required (basic, intermediate, and advanced). It is advisable to consult the Need-to-Know criteria as you prepare for your exam.

We currently stock numerous guides and study material to help you prepare for a level 1-4 exam. We have a wide selection of study material available, from exam specific preparation guides for Level 1-4 water exams to water and wastewater practice question study guides. Please consult the product descriptions to determine the best guide for your exam.